Monday, May 26, 2008

Due to Popular Demand

Okay - you know I was wanting to talk about the season finales of all my shows but didn't since this isn't "television yays and ughs" or "my random thoughts on television" and I was feeling like I should post about something non-television, but since you asked...

Grey's Anatomy - I hadn't been lovin' Grey's as much as I had in the past...It was great that season finale with Denny dying and the "prom" and when the season returned it started out good but ended okay and this season started out blah for me, and then the strike happened and even though that ruined Joshua Jackson joining the cast as a love interest for Yang, I think it was a good thing because it came back much better. I like that some time had passed on the show (if nothing else but to blur over that Gizzie thing). I really enjoyed the last two episodes. HEARTBREAKING - next to last episode - the woman they convinced she had only imagined the love of her life...I think the sad part wasn't that she went in for the procedure, then he showed up then she was in a coma BUT that she died thinking that such a wonderful thing didn't really happen. Last episode, Michelle Tanner's little friend from Full House grew up to be a really great actor. (Yes, I spent the entire episode trying to figure out why she looked so familiar and had to get on to figure it out). I loved when Meredith said she was "whole and healed" because that's how I'm feeling about Grey's!

Desperate Housewives - Again, last season I wasn't liking it as much as in the past but this season has been great - pre and post strike. Crazy ending. I do like that they tied up all the loose ends before jumping (and no spoiler alert because if you haven't watched by now you have surely heard) FIVE years into the future. I had heard this was maybe going to happen and I thought that it would be crazy but it really wasn't...

The Office - (If you don't watch this show, please borrow the first three seasons from me!) I really felt this was a little rushed post makes me sad that it could have been so much better without the strike.

Brothers and Sisters - I'm okay with being back to square one ("R"sibling), because I enjoyed the first trip. This show for me is what Grey's used to be - where I experience such a wide range of emotions in one show.

Okay, you know there are many more finales I could write about but I won't...I may be back next weekend to write about Lost (Fantastic season! Just think this entire season has only covered about a week of island time). Looking forward to not having as many shows I can't miss this summer although I'm looking forward to the return of The Mole and Army Wives!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

American Idol


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Random Thoughts on Televison & Radio

Okay...Long time no post here but I thought I'd post SOMETHING. You all know there are several shows I love to watch and thanks to the wonderful invention of the DVR I can watch quite a bit in much less time. it seems like for as many shows as I enjoy that I should be watching television 24/7 but that's really not the case...we watch shows as a family during Mackenzie's treatments (a lot of the reality shows since there isn't much else appropriate and the worst thing on the reality shows we watch is the language and how people act - which we take as opportunities to point out how a person could act better), Jason and I watch shows we both enjoy after the girls go to bed (Thursday nights are especially busy) and then I catch the shows that only I like here and there (For instance, at 3am today when I couldn't sleep). So, here are a few of my random thoughts from television I've watched lately:

American Idol - I really hope David Cook does something where I can listen to him sing on the radio - win or loose. I do think the other David, who I like to call "Aww Shucks David" has a great voice but I just don't enjoy him as much.

Grey's Anatomy - I like Private Practice but it was great to have Kate Walsh back as Addison on Grey's last week.

Brothers & Sisters - I love it!

The Office - the episode a couple of weeks ago when Toby's hand lingered on Pam's knee an inappropriately long time and his dialogue afterwards was TOO funny. I'm still laughing.

Desperate Housewives - I think Gaby has the funniest lines on (followed by Edie).

Survivor - Natalie has got to go...and why in the Nickelodeon did James have to leave?

Jon & Kate Plus Eight - There is a big Mother's Day marathon if you haven't ever watched...I think it must be starting today because I had to cancel a bunch of future recordings on the DVR.

Okay onto radio, you also all know I really enjoy Kidd Kraddick in the Morning. He's working with this guy Freddy he found on myspace and he has a song available for purchase and I love it - go to and buy it - Defying Gravity. The girls and I all love it.