Thursday, March 13, 2008


We have not always been die hard fans of Americal Idol - I think we only watched one full season (Fantasia) and caught episodes here and there for all the rest. But, we have been watching this go around and I've decided I like the ooks. David COOK and BrOOKe White. Mackenzie likes Micheal Johns (I'd take him as my third choice, too bad hes doesn't have an ook in his name)and David Archuleta.


Lindsay said...

I am a die hard fan and I've been restraining myself from posting on my blog about it for some reason. I LOVE Brooke and Michael Johns! My other faves are Carly Smithson, Jason C. and David A. I wish country girl would go home!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Brooke too. I even called and voted! lol

Lindsay said...

I don't usually call unless I'm worried that my fave won't go on, however I called for Brooke. 5 times. :)

The Traxsons said...

You guy are cracking me up! I love American Idol and have watched every season, but I haven't caught a single moment of this season :( Sam goes to bed at 8pm now instead of 7pm (oh, I wish he still went to bed at 7!!!) so I don't watch nearly as much tv as I used to. Luckily, my faves, Grey's Anatomy and Brothers & Sisters aren't 7pm shows! Yes, yes, I know that if I had a DVR this would be a non-issue!