Saturday, February 2, 2008

Matt Damon

Did you see the Matt Damon/Sarah Silverman joke song/video that was on Jimmy Kimmel? I thought it was so funny because everything I've ever seen with Matt Damon, he is so serious (granted I've never seen the movie where he was stuck to Greg Kinear). Go to You Tube and search (WITHOUT the kiddos - not so nice word in the title and song) for Matt Damon Sarah Silverman to watch. Or go here , or heck - it's all over the internet, you've probably already seen it.

From another website: "It’s funnier if you know that Kimmel often says: “Our apologies to Matt Damon, we ran out of time” near the end of his show, a long-running gag lampooning instances where shows cannot feature their last guest due to time constraints."